In signing over 200 executive orders geared at undoing the Constitution, the unelected co-Presidents Elon Musk and Donald Trump (aka the Diapered Don) with the help of the GOP party, are attempting to reverse hundreds of years of gains for BIPOC Americans, women, children, and the LGBTQ+ community. They are also seeking to overwhelm Americans with so much tyranny and chaos that we can’t keep up and become disengaged. Read these vital tips from sociologist Jennifer Walter on how we can best resist and survive through this chaos.
Tag: trump
In a recent Op-Ed in The NY Times, James Carville railed on about how Kamala Harris supposedly lost the 2024 election due to “the economy”. But there is one big problem with that false narrative — the US economy under the Biden/Harris administration is at an all time high. As a Black-American woman, I am sick to death of white pundits trying to avoid the massive elephant in the room — America is a racist and sexist cesspool where millions of uneducated Americans voted against their own interests and the health of our Democracy. That’s it. It had zero to do with the economy, inflation, or the price of eggs, stupid!

The Mueller Report is out. The mainstream media, in cahoots with the Trump Administration and the GOP, are claiming that it totally exonerates him. But until the American people see the complete report, we can not assume this is true. In fact, it is likely that it is not.
I have had enough tears and I have had enough anger at the continuing racist…
trea·son ˈtrēzən/ noun 1. the crime of betraying one’s country, especially by attempting…
The most glaring and annoying result of the current infestation in our White House…
A narcissistic, white supremacist, racist, sexist, bullying, social media addicted, semi-illiterate, philandering, animal hating, criminal sociopath – Donald J Trump is the most odious man on the planet and that may be a good thing. Because he represents the wrong side on every single possible issue, he is forcing Americans to actually face ourselves and explore the darkest recesses of the American experience. The rug has been pulled back on 500 years of of dirt. Thus, I am doing a series of posts on the things that Trump and his evil empire have brought to light. First up, race in America.
In the wake of the recent Charlottesville murder and the occupant of the White House’s endorsement of the white supremacists that committed it, I declare that he is the most despicable person on the planet!