
In Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King

I usually republish the iconic “I Had A Dream Speech” on Martin Luther King Day. However, with the United States’ current foolhardy involvement and the senseless deaths on both sides in the Israel conflict, his “Beyond Vietnam” speech seems more apropos this year.

Delivered at NYC’s Riverside church on April 4th, 1967, exactly one year before he was murdered, Dr. King touches on the issues of America’s constant involvement in foreign wars and the need for all good people of conscience to speak up against them. He speaks of the globalist oppression that leads to these conflicts that can be linked to the ongoing oppression of people here in the United States. It is scary how little progress we have made in our consciousness since Dr King made this speech and that we are still raging these senseless wars. Substitute just a few words and this same speech could be made today.

8 Things That You Should Know Before Seeing Oppenheimer

I have been ardently anti-nukes all of my life. And right now, I am very concerned. With Putin and Jung-Un becoming rapidly more unhinged, crazy people even considering voting Trump back in, and the world just generally going nuts, we are now just 90 seconds to midnight. 90 SECONDS — closer than we have ever been. I will be seeing “Oppenheimer” next week, so I was thrilled to be sent this amazing article to run. It brings to light things I had never thought about that we all need to know regarding the dangers of nuclear weapons.

Colin Kaepernick Calls For The Release Of Mumia Abu-Jamal

For the past 22 years, I have been an advocate for the release of Mumia Abu-Jamal, a highly accomplished journalist and freedom fighter, who was framed by the police for a murder, he did not commit. It is one of the most glaring injustices in US History and he needs to be freed now.  Thus, I am very happy to hear that Colin Kaepernick got to speak to Mumia and made a statement yesterday. Read on for Kap’s statement.

Vote Biden/Harris: Our Very Democracy Depends On It

This is the most important election in our lifetimes. As Joe Biden so aptly states. “In this election, we are in a battle for the soul of America.”. That is why I endorse the Biden/Harris ticket and all of the Democratic candidates on the ballots nationwide. We need a total and irrevocable change in the White House and in the Senate if we are to survive as a Democracy.

Take Your Knee Off My Neck : Thoughts On Racism In The PR / Influencer Industry

In his eulogy of George Floyd, Reverend Al Sharpton said it best. We, as Black Americans need the knees taking off of our necks by racists in America in every aspect of our lives, including the workplace. It made me think. So I am addressing the PR people, who have racistly made my life a living hell for the past 11 years as an Editor/Influencer. It has not been pretty and it needs to stop.