On Your Screen

Reviews of the latest movies.

Befuddled by Tree of Life

Tree of Life, like a Seinfeld episode, is about nothing. Highly pretentious in its experimentalism, this film is only for two types – the most ardent of film aficionados or stoners, who will marvel at the visuals.

TGATP Loved Kung Fu Panda 2

Kung Fu Panda 2 is a barrel of rollicking fun with more storyline and far more action than the first. Finally, a movie where the 3D is actually put to use in an imaginative way that actually adds to the entertainment value. And, like the best animated films, the script provides tons of laughs for, not just kids, but every age group.

Bridesmaids is a Miss!

  TGATP doesn’t understand all the hoopla around Bridesmaids!  It just wasn’t funny.  I am well past tired of the “Revenge of the Nerds” thing that is going on in Hollywood and…

The Lincoln Lawyer

The Lincoln Lawyer is the first great film of the year and the best courtroom thriller since Presumed Innocent! Based on the bestseller by Michael Connelly and directed by Brad Furman, this film snaps, crackles, and pops! Matthew McConaughey is in sizzling form as Mitch Haller, a LA attorney who runs his practice from the back of his chauffeur driven Lincoln.

The Adjustment Bureau

It is very important going in to understand that The Adjustment Bureau is NOT “Inception” or “the Matrix.” I expected a story as intricate and amazing as those films and was sorely disappointed. More a romance than sci-fi, it is a shame that the studio didn’t just market it as such, instead of trying to dupe us into thinking it is more than it is. That said, there are few films more charmingly romantic than this.