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Hey World Keep Donald! We Don’t Want Him Back!

The national embarrassment that is Donald J. Trump is set take his circus on the road and wreak further havoc in other parts of the world. Reports are that, based on the four months of interactions with the Emperor-With-No-Clothes, foreign leaders and their consultants have set the following rules for his visits:
  • Keep it short – no 30-minute monologue for a 30-second attention span.
  • Do not assume he knows the history of the country or its major points of contention.
  • Compliment him on his Electoral College victory.
  • Contrast him favorably with President Barack Obama. 
  • Do not get hung up on whatever was said during the campaign.
  • Stay in regular touch.
  • Do not go in with a shopping list but bring some sort of deal he can call a victory.

Can anything get more ridiculous than this? How did America go from an handsome, educated, compassion and elegant man with a beautiful family that was loved the world over to an idiotic, narcissistic, puffed out, treasonous, buffoonish baby man with a porn modeling third wife? We are now the laughingstock of the world. Or perhaps this idiot will see how hated he is on the world stage and finally resign.

This brief period – (I know that Don’s time in office will be blissfully short) – will be considered the Dark Ages by our ancestors. Our only hope is that Trump loses his passport and is not able to re-enter the country. Or perhaps without his staff’s ability to totally isolate him from world opinion, he will see how hated he is on the world stage and finally resign. Or maybe, more evidence will come out of his collusion with the Russians and he will divert his return and seek asylum in Russia, the country he is truly serving. A gal can wish!

That Girl At the Party

I am a proud blogger/influencer of 16 years and founder of the Henley Content Lab for content creators from underserved communities, who are 45 and over. I am also the founder of Chateau Canna and Cannappetit. I am also an aunt to 12 and human to Bodhi and Yoko Rey.

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