The Spring/Summer season is here. And even though we are stuck near our homes, we can still sport fun eyewear. Check out this sponsored post on choosing between a retro or modern look.
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While waiting for COVID-19 travel restrictions to be lifted, why not start planning a California road trip? The state boasts picturesque coastline, stunning scenery, and endless sunshine. I am California dreaming on a rainy, lockdown day!

While most hospitals are now limiting patient visits due to the coronavirus, in a few months they will be re-opened and you will be able to visit patients again. Read this sponsored post to help you pick the best gift to bring on your visit.
With all of us on lockdown and some of recovering from this terrible virus for a long time to come, now is a good time to get our homes in order. These waterproof labeling tips will help.
Who doesn’t love buying new clothes? Shopping is TGATP’s very favorite hobby. Check out this sponsored post for 5 tips to save you money on those splurges!
Fresh flowers lend a vibrant happiness to any living space. But all too often they seem to lose their splendor too quickly. Here are some tips to keep your flowers vibrant and fresh for longer.
I love themed parties. Check out this fun sponsored post on how to throw an epic historical party.
Having had my first tooth pulled I am all about tooth health! Check out this sponsored post on how to restore your teeth in the event this happens to you!