Who doesn’t love buying new clothes? I sure do! Whether it’s a new work outfit, some new gym clothes to give you confidence or something for a special occasion, treating ourselves to some new wardrobe additions is always exciting. Unfortunately, this monthly treat can quickly become an expensive habit, even more so if you have children or your clothes start falling apart.
Everyone should set aside a part of their monthly budget for clothing – check out this budget calculator UK if you need a little help with your monthly spends – but have you considered that if you take better care of the clothes you currently have, you could wear them for longer and save money at the same time? It’s an interesting concept. Read on for 5 tips to help you save money on clothes and fall in love with your wardrobe once again.
Learn how to repair your clothes
Any good with a needle and thread? Once clothes start to show a bit of damage, whether it’s a broken zip, a missing button or a loose thread, most people throw them away. However, if you learn how to repair your clothes instead of binning them, then you could save a huge amount of money each year. If you’re unfamiliar with how to repair clothes then ask a family member, check out an online forum or even watch some simple videos on YouTube. You’ll get a great sense of achievement too.
Buy your basics super cheap!
Who really needs designer socks? Or designer underwear? All of these things can be bought super cheap and still be of good quality. If you like designer names, then save your preferences for bigger purchases, like occasion dresses, tops, suits, etc.

Try repurposing
Once you really get the hang of fixing your clothes and using a needle and thread, then you should consider repurposing your old clothes too. That old pair of jeans that has seen better days could make a great new pair of shorts. Your tired scarf that doesn’t really go with anything? A new belt! The unused shirt with the button missing? Voila! A new tank top! Your imagination could save you a lot of money in the long run.
Shop at discount stores
There are plenty of shops, like Century 21 and Saks Off 5th, that boast big brands and simple basics at low prices. Even high-end supermarkets, like Whole Foods, are becoming increasingly popular for those hoping to look good and grab a style bargain! Check them out.
Sell what you don’t wear
From old jeans we can no longer fit to those online purchases that we never got round to sending back, we’re all guilty of hoarding clothes that we have no intention of wearing. If you have items in your closet that you no longer wear or want, then sell them and pocket the cash instead. Nowadays there are even great online options for reselling your clothes, like Poshmark. I recently dropped 50lbs so I am selling 14 yrs worth of clothes as I post this! When you empty your wardrobe then you’ll be able to see what items you really need. So, next time you go clothes shopping you’ll be able to make better choices.