On August 21st, the Bible of Fashion, every Fashionista’s textbook, the One we wait for all year, the edition that has made and broken editors’ careers, the only issue to be a subject of a documentary film – The Vogue September Issue hits newsstands! Celebrating 120 years of American style, with style icon, Lady Gaga, on the cover (eat your heart out, Madonna!) it will be 916 pages of gorgeous Fall Fashion with a profile of Chelsea Clinton, and other must-read stories.
No one was more excited than Gaga herself who tweeted to TGATP and her 27.99 million other followers this message on Twitter this past Thursday, “Who else sees me channeling @RuPaul on the COVER of VOGUE. If only I was as fierce as you bitch. I did try to come for you with that weave.” And while I do wish that both Gaga and Madonna would stop feeling the need to show us more flesh than we need to see, I would much rather see this kind of exhibitionism in a 20-something than a should know better 50+ woman. I mean, honestly Madonna, GROW already!
Scurry to your newsstand on August 21st when this year’s issue is set to drop!