Thursday night, the Young Collectors held their annual party at the Winter Antiques Show. The Park Avenue armory was atwitter with beautiful young things and gorgeous pieces! My favorite stall was Bauman Books, which featured some extraordinarily rare first editions. We, bibliophiles, gazed longingly at Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense”, Alexander Hamilton’s “Federalist Papers”, Walt Whitman’s “Leaves of Grass“, and a signed letter from Abraham Lincoln! They also had a first edition copy of my favorite book Harper Lee’s, “To Kill A Mockingbird” that I would just love to have! Got into a fun conversation about films with the Bauman guys. In addition, one affable gent working the stall showed us the witty, personalized inscriptions that F. Scott Fitzgerald always made when he signed books, which like the bubbles in champagne. Perennial society favorites Taste Catering, lived up to their standard of excellence and made sure that we were adequately fed and lubricated during this very fabulous fete.
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