Wakanda Forever is Black female magic from start to finish. Read on for my full review.
Tag: films
Devil In Ohio begs the question; would YOU bring home a teen with a pentagram carved into her back that spouts demonic prayers over your family dinner? Read my review for more of my thoughts on this latest horror series from Netflix.

That Girl At The Party reviews “RESPECT” the Aretha Franklin biopic starring Jennifer Hudson and Forest Whitaker.
Judas and the Black Messiah is one of the best films of the year. With stunning direction by Shaka King and pitch perfect performances by Lakeith Stanfield, Daniel Kaluya and the incredible Martin Sheen, as the ruthless J. Edgar Hoover, this film is not to be missed.
TGATP NOTE: I missed doing my movie guide for March so I have included some movies…
The fall movie season starts out with a bang and a scare with the action…
While not as many movies are being released this month, 2018 starts off with…
With a kickass 70’s Blaxpolitation trailer and my gal Taraji Henson in the lead as…