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#Mira Is The Fashionista’s Tracker Of Choice


With a genetic propensity that I have been fighting all my adult Life, I was given the dreaded diagnosis of teetering into Type II diabetes at my recent physical.  So, I am all about health and fitness right now.

One item that seemed to be everywhere this season were fitness trackers. There were tons of impressive options including the Apple Watch version that caught my eye. But my favorite is the sylish and elegant, Mira Fitness Bracelet. Beyond making a beautiful style statement, the Mira utilizes an elegant bracelet coupled with an app, to get to know the user and provide a personalized fitness experience and offer relevant suggestions based on activities and preferences.

Whether you are a fitness novice, like me, or a lifelong athelete, Mira meets you wherever you are on your journey. It gives you a more complete picture of your fitness potential, encourages you to stay motivated and helps you make healthier choices, which is everything I need.




The app allows you to make the most of your most active times.  I am not a morning person, so it nudges me in the evenings.  It provides boosts throughout the day and hourly views of your progress.  Simple,  friendly, motivational, and fun, the app tracks your activities, lets you journal your healthy choices, celebrates your fit moments and provides motivation to help you do a little more each day.

I have it in a lovely Brushed Gold and it also comes in Midnight  Purple (which looked more bronze to me).  The Mira Fitness Bracelet and accompanying Apple app retails for $169.00. (I am living for the Android app!)


That Girl At the Party

I am a proud blogger/influencer of 16 years and founder of the Henley Content Lab for content creators from underserved communities, who are 45 and over. I am also the founder of Chateau Canna and Cannappetit. I am also an aunt to 12 and human to Bodhi and Yoko Rey.

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