I’ve always felt that handbags make the look and your choice of which bag to sport can speak volumes about you. Even if you throw on something casual, an expensive bag will make you look like a billion bucks. I sometimes even plan the rest of my ensemble around the bag I want to carry. Here are the bags and totes on my wish list for fall/winter twenty-fifteen:
One: Lancel Plum Charlie Shoulder Bag For Femme | $1960
Launched in 2014 by luxury French brand Lancel and sure to be a classic a la the Birkin Bag, this absolutely gorgeous bag is at the top of my current wish list. It’s appears to be only available in France, so add the price of those first class tickets and a luxury hotel stay to the cost.
Two and Three: Michael Kors Hamilton Bag in Merlot | $358 and Greenwich Medium Saffiano Bucket Bag in Olive |$298
I have the Hamilton in Royal Blue and literally get stopped on the streets by women asking about it. I am definitely adding this Merlot version to my Fall/Winter wardrobe.
And bucket bags are still trending so why not have a truly sensational one that you can keep forever? The Saffiano is lovely in either the Olive with an Ecru lining or the Black with Dusty Rose inside.
Three: Kate Spade Weston Avenue Brice Tote | $598
I am collecting Kate Spade bags now and hit every sale. This fall, stay stylish on-the-go with this beautiful tote, perfect for carrying your laptop and other work essentials to important meetings with elegance.
Five and Six: Dooney and Bourke Alta Large Valentina |$795 and the Newbury Sloan |$298
Dooney and Bourke is another of my very favorite go-to brands. This season, there are two bags on my shopping radar. First up, the Alta Large Valentina in lush Grape will draw “ohhhs” and “ahhs” from everyone in your circle.
And the Newbury Sloan in rich Brown suede or Black leather with saffron tassels, are so perfect I want them both.