TGATP Speak Easy

Our version of hot topics, TGATP speaks her mind on the topics on everyone’s lips including celebrity gossip, politics and pop culture, in general .

Why #ZoeSaldana Is All Wrong As Nina

I am calling for a boycott of the upcoming film “Nina”, which is supposedly a biopic of one of the most iconic and important figures in African-American history. To see Zoe Saldana portraying Simone, in blackface resembling a minstrel and a caricature, is a racist affront to Simone’s legacy. Shame on Saldana and everyone else involved.

#OscarsSoWhite: A Hollywood Survivor’s Tale

A thirteen-year survivor of the NYC Film/TV Production world, I have personal insight into the #OscarsSoWhite controversy. It is much deeper than the talent pool. The changes need to occur in the development offices, film and TV production offices, networks, agencies and the film sets. Hollywood needs to either change or be forced to change. Because otherwise, we will be hashtagging #OscarsSoWhite for many decades to come.

The Problem With Rachel Dolezal

There has been tons of speculation and varying views on the sorry saga of Rachel Dolezal, the Spokane woman, who has been posing as Black. Here is how I feel about it.

#PatricaArquette Wake Up!

Initially thrilled that Patricia Arquette used her Oscar win to rally for women’s rights, I was appalled by her later statements that invalidated all the good will! Ms. Arquette, here is a reality check.

About Those Leaked Sony Emails

At the press conference for Selma this weekend, the conversation amongst the assembled press was all about both the links between the film and the current police brutality situaion and the Sony hack. Here is my opinion on the latter.