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8 Foods For Good Fortune In The New Year

TGATP’s 20-Minute Low-Carb Hopping John

(TGATP NOTE: I wrote this back in 2016. But, Lord knows, I need good fortune in 2025 after having another one of the most tumultuous years of my life. In addition, we are idiotically going into a very scary time with a criminally insane, coup-staging, convicted felon, serial rapist, and complete moron as the President of the United States. So, I am reposting this story with the hopes that we will all — individually, and as a nation — have good fortune in 2025.)

In 2016, as I strolled through the Whole Foods aisles figuring out what best to make for the New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day meals, I stumbled across an incredible deal on lobster tails for just $5.99 and a turkey leg for a mere .82!  Yes, you read that right. EIGHTY-TWO CENTS at WHOLE FOODS!  But then, I realized why. According to numerous superstitions, these are two of the worst things you can eat on New Year’s Day!

Thus, I whipped out my phone and looked up all the things in my cart most of which had to go back or would have to be consumed on January 2nd.  I want to pass my newfound knowledge onto you, dear TGATP readers, lest you ruin your whole year by consuming the wrong foods!

Eat these foods:

1. 12 Grapes at the Chime of Midnight:  A Spanish tradition say to eat twelve grapes to determine the forecast for each month.  One through twelve, a sweet grape equals a fortuitous month while a sour grape means a possible challenging one. (This year all my grapes were sweet!)

2. Black-eyed Peas or Lentils:  Lentils signify money more specifically coins.  I have been having black-eyed peas for years on New Year’s ’cause my Mama believed in their propensity to bring good luck.  My recipe (see pic above).

10 Minute Low-Carb Vegan Hopping John

While I used to cook Hopping John the tradtional way with rice, this low-carb version is preferable and resembles a chili.

I package of Beyond Meat Italian Sausage
1 15.5 oz can of Whole Foods 365 Black-Eyed Peas (drained)
1  jar of Whole Foods 365 Thick and Chunky Salsa
1 T. Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Bragg Sprinkle 24 Herbs & Spices
Handful of Kale
Hot Sauce
(My fave for this is Homesweet Homegrown Punch Drunk Chocolate Ghost
Pepper Hot Sauce)

Break up the sausage and brown in the olive oil.  Season to taste. Once the sausage is totally cooked, drain the fat and add the amount of black-eyed peas you want.  Then add the jar of salsa and simmer on low for 10 minutes.  Put the kale in and cook until wilted. Let sit for another couple minutes and serve.

Serves 2

3. Cornbread:  Also a Southern tradition, cornbread on New Year’s brings good luck due to the gold color. Add corn kernels to signify gold nuggets.  (Mega yummy with the Hopping John.)

4. Long Noodles:  Throughout the Asian countries, long noodles signify longevity.  Do not break them up though or you are splitting your fortune!

5. Round Fruits: In Europe and the Philippines, twelve pieces of oranges, tangerines, or any citrus fruit signify luck for the year.

6. Whole Fish: Scales equal money and fish swim in pools which signify abundance.  But stay away from lobster, which is bad luck because it runs backward!

7. Pomegranate: The multiple seeds in a pomegranate represent abundance.

8. Greens:  Green equals money so I will be cooking tons of these tonight!  I have kale, spinach, AND Broccoli to enjoy! Also, just downed my all time favorite green drink – the Amazing Green Green Superfood with 15,000 ORACs.

Do not eat:

1. Lobster:  As mentioned before, lobsters travel backward so could create setbacks and a dwelling on past.  Can also symbolize past regrets.

2. Chicken or any fowl:  Also walks backward and can cause good luck to fly away!

3. White Foods The Chinese believe that White is the color of death!  So avoid white foods, including rice and sushi.

Also, make sure to not eat everything in sight or clean your plate. A little food left over symbolizes a full pantry (i.e wealth) for the new year!

That Girl At the Party

I am a proud blogger/influencer of 16 years and founder of the Henley Content Lab for content creators from underserved communities, who are 45 and over. I am also the founder of Chateau Canna and Cannappetit. I am also an aunt to 12 and human to Bodhi and Yoko Rey.

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