TGATP Stands in Solidatary Against SOPA and PIPA


While not advanced enough to know how to totally blackout the site, I stand in solidarity with the 7,000 sites, entrepreneurs, tech activists, and corporations, who are staging blackouts today in opposition to the ludicrous and highly dangerous SOPA and PIPA bills.  Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid plans to bring the measure to a vote next week.  Some of the biggest names on the Internet plan to participate in the blackout, including Wikipedia, Mozilla, Reddit and WordPress.

These bills are a dangerous interference into Internet business and will kill Web innovation.  I, wholeheartedly, oppose these bills which would censor and control the Internet in ways that would ruin the free flow of information and completely destroy whole businesses.  For example, these bills would make Matt Mullenweg, the Founder of Word Press personally responsible for every post that the gazillion Word Press sites post and Mark Zuckerberg responsible for every Facebook update, which is ridiculous and untenable.

The bills would also allow the Government to randomly close down sites which would censor and curtail the right to free speech.  Sites, such as those that broadcast from protests like Occupy Wall Street, could be taken down willy-nilly.   These bills are being brought by the status quo media which is seeking to destroy the growth of the Internet by buying this bill.  Here is a list of the people that the entertainment industry has attempted to bribe into passing these dangerous bills:

2012 TV / Movies / Music: Top Recipients from OPENSECRETS.ORG

$1,012,664 Obama (D)
$250,600 Gilliibrand (D-NY)
$195,960 Berman (D-CA)
$180,864 Wh!teh0use (D-RI)
$152,900 Romney, Mitt (R)
$140,274 McCaskill (D-MO)
$132,507 Klobuchar (D-MN)
$112,250 Feinstei­n (D-CA)
$108,275 Casey (D-PA)
$108,225 McC0nnell(R-KY)2010 TV / Movies / Music: Top Recipients OPENSECRET­S.ORG

$571,600 B0xer (D-CA)
$500,300 Reid (D-NV)
$494,325 Schumer (D-NY)
$367,733 Bennet (D-CO)
$360,541 Gillibrand (D-NY)
$346,056 Leahy (D-VT)
$286,400 Berman (D-CA)
$178,466 Linc0ln (D-AR)
$173,890 B0n0 (R-CA)

I strongly advise you to contact your representatives and Congress people before we lose the Internet as we know it.


That Girl At the Party

I am a proud blogger/influencer of 16 years and founder of the Henley Content Lab for content creators from underserved communities, who are 45 and over. I am also the founder of Chateau Canna and Cannappetit. I am also an aunt to 12 and human to Bodhi and Yoko Rey.

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