After a lifetime of abstinence, last night I fell, completely and utterly, head over heels, in hot, lusty Love with the sleekest piece of Black perfection that I have ever seen! A hot sports car design combined with eco-friendly technology, the TESLA roadster is the car of my dreams! The test ride knocked me out. The car went from 0 to 60 in 4 secs and was so silent that it was literally like flying! I was completely gobsmacked!
The Tesla is the automotive wave of the future. It is not powered by gas and is not a hybrid. You simply plug it into an outlet in your garage! Each full charge powers the roadster for 240 miles and the sedan for 330 miles. There will be various docking stations throughout the country where Tesla owners can either charge their vehicle or simply get a replacement battery and drive off.
I met some Tesla owners and will admit to being green with green envy! To be able to drive such a snazzy car and be helping the environment, at the same time, must really be the best! I am learning how to drive just so I can one day own one! The Tesla New York Store is now open at 511 West 25th St (b/t 10th & 11th). Stop in for a test drive. You’ll never forget it!