As a consummate New Yorker, I am absolutely thrilled that our Miss New York Mallory Hagan was crowned Miss America 2013 last night! I had the honor to meet the fun and adorable Mallory at the gala for my favorite dance troupe Jennifer Mueller/The Works this year and she is a big sweetheart. I am also happy that she is taking on the issue of child sexual abuse, which is an issue that has touched two members of my family.
In addition, in regards to placing armed guards in schools, her answer that “I don’t think the proper way to fight violence is with violence…I think the proper way is to educate people on guns and the ways we can use them properly. We can lock them up, we can have gun safety classes, we can have a longer waiting period.” was the right one. We already have supposedly well-trained cops regularly killing innocent people, we really don’t need to run the risk of children being shot in schools because armed guards mistake guns for wallets, or keys or the like!
We look forward to catching up with Mallory and chatting about her win asap!