Celebrity ink master Lalo Yunda from Season Two of Spike TV’s “Inkmaster” partnered with mike’s HARDER to challenge millennials to go even harder with their ink. Yunda created one-of-a-kind bold tattoo designs featured on limited-edition collectible cans of all-new mike’s HARDER Tennessee Barrel Lemonade.
On October 20th, the brand hosted a blowout HARDER Ink Party – a free event at Lalo’s shop The House of Monkey Tattoo in hotspot Williamsburg, Brooklyn to celebrate the launch of their new lemonade. Attendees got tattooed by Lalo, his gorgeous wife and the other resident artists with a design from a flash sheet of HARDER-inspired tattoos designed by Lalo. Featuring his signature intricate style of magical realism combining mythical elements with otherwise realistic, true-to-life subjects, the tattoos were totally amazing. Less tattoo committed guests were offered the Lalo’s specially designed tattoos as temporary tatts.
Guests were also treated to some mighty good Mexican fusion food from Coney Island and, of course, beverages from mike’s Harder! With seven tatts already and committed to my artist, I didn’t get tatted on the night. But I had a mighty fine time with Lalo and his merry band of tattoo bandits!