A Fashionista Hurricane Survival Guide

That Bitch Irene from Space

I don’t know about you, but I am scared silly about this coming storm!  While I was trying to get my outfits together and shows scheduled for NY Fashion Week, I am now focusing on getting me and Dinah Washington Cat in peak survival mode.  Here are some things that we are being advised to do with a couple of fun TGATP ideas thrown in!

1.  First off, put together an emergency Go bag.  Pack it with everything that truly matters to you – family heirlooms, etc… so that if you have to get out in a hurry you can grab it.  Pack essential medications, extra keys, and passport plus other ID, like Social Security card.  Put in a small blanket, a first-aid kit, identification, insurance paperwork, prescriptions, credit cards and toiletries.  I am also packing my Panasonic Lumix camera and the Samsung Camcorder should I need to document anything that is happening.  Make sure to pack your laptop, iPad, Kindle, portable game player, iPod with headphones and charger and other items that might help pass the time in a worst-case situation.  In addition, put together all the chargers and pack a portable USB charger.  I use the one Sony that can charge my phone and other devices.

2. Make sure to prepare for your pets.  Have your pet carrier right near the door. Prepare an emergency kit for your pets; include collars & leashes, a 3-5 day supply of food and water, toys and treats, bowls, litter boxes, photographs of you with your pet, and a week’s supply of medications that your pet may be taking, including instructions (in case you and your pet are separated).  Prepare a list of boarding facilities and veterinarians who could shelter animals in an emergency; include 24-hour phone numbers.  Ask local animal shelters if they provide emergency shelter or foster care for pets in a disaster.  Animal shelters may be overburdened caring for the animals they already have, as well as those displaced by a disaster, so this should be your last resort.  For a complete guide on how to keep your pets safe in case of emergency go to:  http://1.usa.gov/o8mPgg.

3.  Prepare to be in your house for at least 3 days, if necessary.  Water, Water, and more Water!  – Make sure to stock up on fluids, particularly electrolyte enhanced water.  In addition, if you have a hot boy or girl you can call, get them over your house by early Saturday afternoon.  Just imagine the fun you can have creating your own storm indoors!  Just stay away from the windows lest they blow out and you end up recreating a scene from “Final Destination!”

4. Speaking of the windows, windows can blow out and be hit by debris.  Shut them and move everything away and obviously don’t sit anywhere near them yourself.  Don’t know what I am going to do about Dinah as she loves watching storms from the windows.

5.  Put the number to your Emergency Management Center, fire department, and your local police precinct in your cell phone.  Have an extra charger for the phone in the event that the electricity goes out.  Make sure to have batteries and a flashlight on hand in the event of a blackout.  The basement in my apartment often floods with just a little rain, which could mean no pilot light for a few days.  So I am also preparing candles and running a bath as soon as the rain starts in the event that there is any problem with the water supply. In fact, make sure to have a long luxurious bath on Saturday night in case you can’t for awhile.  I am going to let Calgon take me away tonight and drop a One Bath Fizzer tablet in tomorrow night’s bath for maximum relaxation.

6.  Make time for all your beauty essentials now.  I am washing and blowing out hair and doing all my other treatments before that bitch Irene arrives.  Because there would be nothing worse than looking like a mess in the event of an evacuation!  We have all seen the really horrible footage of women with their hair all over the place and their mani/pedis chipped during emergency situations!  Think ahead.  You might have to make a statement on the news, so make sure to look your best!  My Aunt Teddy just said that when they had to evacuate her building during the earthquake on Tuesday, some folks showed up less than done and in their pajamas.  She recommends that you start your day getting dressed for fashion success since you never know what the day will bring.

7.  And finally, try to relax.  Often these things are blown way out of proportion and undue worry ages you.  Remember to stay in the Now.  Prepare yourself for the storm but don’t worry yourself until you have to.



That Girl At the Party

I am a proud blogger/influencer of 16 years and founder of the Henley Content Lab for content creators from underserved communities, who are 45 and over. I am also the founder of Chateau Canna and Cannappetit. I am also an aunt to 12 and human to Bodhi and Yoko Rey.

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