Claudia Chan’s 8 Affirmations To Guide Your Life

Claudia Chan of S.H.E. Summit


This summer has been one of trials and tribulations mixed with concern for the current state of our world that have led to a necessary rebirth of mind, body and Spirit! Some true miracles have occured and I have had some real great teachers enter and re-enter my Life. To that end, I have decided to start a new category on spirituality. TGATP Spirit will feature interviews and articles from thought leaders and teachers in the spiritual and inspirational realms.

I was going through my emails and found this article written by one of my favorite women Claudia Chan of S.H.E. Summit on eight affirmations that will help us reach new heights that I have chosen to start the series. Say these every day and watch your Life be uplifted!

By Claudia Chan

I want to reiterate what I believe to be the most significant piece of advice: we get what we focus on. If we focus on fear, we get more fear. If we focus on scarcity and what we lack, we actually promote more scarcity and lacking in our lives. We are all destined for infinite greatness– but ONLY if we can train our minds to focus on and continually shift back to that of which we want to manifest.

Practice these eight affirmations to help you reach new heights. Meditate on them in the morning or when a challenge or recurring stress/negative talk arises. Journal about these statements any chance you get. Save this list as a recurring calendar invite or message. Your negativity is your greatest enemy, so keep it at bay.

I am a Visionary – I honor my creativity and the goals I have for myself in Life. This vision comes from my gut, and is created by the ideas, curiosities and passions that light me up when I think about them.

I am an Original – There is only ONE me in the world with my unique set of experiences, perspective and skills. They guide me towards a specific destiny that is only mine and made up of my visions.

I am Courageous – What I want this year may feel risky, unrealistic or unusual, but I am not afraid to go there because that is where my greatness lies, on the other side of safe.

I am Authentic – It is my values and personal experiences that I base my goals on, and as long as I stay true to myself, I will be successful.

I am Resilient – I know paths to greatness are filled with obstacles but I will treat mine like obstacle courses. The more I work through them, the more I exercise my patience, confidence, and other leadership muscles.

I am Abundance – There is an excess of greatness awaiting me and that is me. By taking these big steps, I am simply stepping up to claim what is already mine.

I am Trust – In my pursuits, I will walk by trust in my vision, and not by sight. Besides, everything is nothing until I make it something.

I am Self Love – My self worth is not determined by my productivity. When the naysayer in me starts judging or critiquing– I catch it, am reminded that I love myself, let go of the negative thoughts, then shift back to my positive affirmations.


About Claudia

Claudia Chan is the CEO and Founder of S.H.E. Globl Media Inc., the multi-platform women’s empowerment company behind the renowned global women’s conference, S.H.E. Summit. As a women’s empowerment expert and social entrepreneur, Claudia’s life passion is to help women unleash their potential in career and life while igniting them to drive change for other women. By making empowerment content, conferences and programs accessible to all women on the planet, Claudia believes women can change the world. In just 3 years, S.H.E. Summit, has become a globally-celebrated women’s leadership and lifestyle event, convening hundreds of today’s change-makers and participation from women and men in over 100 countries.

Her website,, called “the aspirational Facebook for women,” by Forbes, is a mentorship-ondemand resource for women to gain advice from hundreds of the world’s most accomplished women that Claudia has personally interviewed, including her own “optimal leading and living mantras.” Recently announced the 2015 global spokesperson for Gillette Venus #UseYourAnd empowerment campaign — Claudia has also been widely quoted and featured in top media outlets. She is referred to as the “Richard Branson of Women’s Empowerment” by FastCompany, “SHE Who Must Be Obeyed” by Newsweek/The Daily Beast, a “Success Story” by FOX Business, a “MAKER” by the AOL platform MAKERS, “Steering the One of the Most Influential Women’s Movements” by Refinery29, and “One of the world’s most curious people” by Vanity Fair. Prior to S.H.E. Globl, Claudia served at the President and Co-Owner of women’s entertainment company, Shecky’s, for 10 years. She graduated from all-women’s Smith College.

That Girl At the Party

I am a proud blogger/influencer of 16 years and founder of the Henley Content Lab for content creators from underserved communities, who are 45 and over. I am also the founder of Chateau Canna and Cannappetit. I am also an aunt to 12 and human to Bodhi and Yoko Rey.

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