Last night, TGATP joined the Young Patron’s Circle of the American Friends of the Louvre held their 3rd Annual Spring Gala at the Payne Whitney Mansion. (It was a much needed relaxing evening after a week that included the death of my stepdad, the hospitalization of my father, Dinah Washington Cat falling ill, and hate mail from jealous partycrashers! In a word, it was a tough week!)
The Upper East Side fete kicked off with an intimate VIP champagne reception at the nearby Dalva Brothers Gallery, an historic townhouse/antiquarian at 53 East 77th Street, Guests then held court in the Payne Whitney Mansion, described as Stanford White’s “most imposing accomplishment” and the modern day home for the French Embassy. The festivities included champagne and Gallic inspired canapes, a boutique silent auction, an installation from XXXX Magazine and the sounds of DJ Ari, in the second floor ballroom. Committee members donned outfits donated by Matthew Williamson.