With the most important election in our history just four months away, I am praying this is not our last July 4th celebration.
Tag: 4th of July!
In 1852, Frederick Douglass delivered one of his most riveting speeches “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” In this Op-Ed, TGATP discusses he state of the union amidst the growing political and ideological divisions in the US in 2024.

TGATP NOTE: I discovered this for the first time this year and it is still timely. Because while slavery was abolished 152 years ago, vestiges of racism and oppression are still a…
Had hoped to bring you some yummy recipes and cocktail ideas. However unfortunately, this July 4th weekend, TGATP is on an unintended Verizon imposed vacay! They are now claiming that I will be up and running in 24 to 48hrs. But they have been claiming this since June 22nd. Since there have been over 100 phone calls in ten days, with more stories than Scheherazade; I am naturally skeptical. Thus, about Verizon, you have been warned! Be afraid, be VERY afraid!
Everyone have a fun and relaxing 4th of July holiday weekend! And remember to stay safe in every way!