Animal friendly can be a mixed bag for handbags and shoes! Many are cheap and fall apart forcing me to run screaming back to leather. However, one brand stands apart. With rich colors, classic refined styles, and superior quality, the Namaste line is my current favorite for functional, yet fashionable, animal friendly bags. I tote my red Monroe bag every chance I get. I am so constantly asked about it that I should probably take out stock in the company. So roomy that I can carry my iPod, Kindle, Blackberry Playbook, camera and makeup bag, this bag is perfect for work and travel. And the colors are so gorgeous that you’ll want to order more than one of each style to compliment each outfit. What I love the most about these bags is that while they are made of materials they look like leather and, unlike most organic leather and PVC bags I have owned, they are extremely durable. A Namaste bag is a must-have for every wardrobe. The bright red Monroe or Cali are great Valentine’s Day present for all of your BFFs and the other important women in your Life.