Happy New Year! For me, 2018 was a balanced contradiction. The best of times, the worst of times – it was filled with God’s blessings and miracles mixed with some very tough times. Loss and gain seemed to be the dual themes of 2018. God did a work in me and showed me my purpose. Then business slowed making me have to pivot from fulfilling that purpose into to basic survival mode again. My last remaining parent – my Dad – passed in the late summer. But two new nieces – JK and Miri arrived this summer too. There was a miracle surrounding the apartment. But there is a pending appeal and some particularly obnoxious neighbors have moved in, who have a bass speaker that rattles half the buildings on the block. Thus, it is difficult to relax. Up/Down.
I grew in my understanding of God’s miracles and the work we must do to stay connected. I realized that some earthly things – stuff, people. habits, beliefs, mindsets, worries and fear – have to be left behind if we are ever going to reach our true Godly potential. For example, the women in an invite sharing group I was in for years, were very predictable in their shallowness. I was never really treated right by them. But the time away from them simply inspired me to create and launch That Girl At The Party, as a monthly magazine.
Other people surprised me with their depth. It has been wonderful to get to know my niece and the mothers of my nephew’s children. They are all wonderful young Moms. Lose some/Win more.
In 2018, I saw that it is true that we are creating our own reality based on our thinking about our lives and circumstances. I practiced radical gratitude. Yet sometimes I questioned God’s timing. Why are my deepest desires, which have been the same for more than 20 years, still unfulfilled? Connection/Disconnection. I was often tested by the current White House’s evil practices. Why are these monsters being allowed to get away with so much hate and treachery, including the deaths of three little kids? Faith/Lack Thereof. There will be less TV news broadcasting President Chump’s every move in my house this year. I have had enough of his treachery, crazy and negativity. I am now about solutions for, rather than reactions to, the awful havoc he is wreaking on our nation.
In 2019, I have decided to keep growing, learning and thriving. I am expecting great things of myself and others. I hope you will too and that we can share the Glory of Life with each other. I have a lot on my plate. But I plan to make sure that, this year, I am creating a better Work/Life balance. I plan to have more fun, less toxic people and more positive healthy living on every front. I plan to read more because reading has always meant so much to me and I haven’t had the time. More travel is also on the agenda. I may even start dating again, although my experience of them coupled with the ID Network and Dateline, have me pretty terrified of American men.
So happy New Year, dear TGATP readers! Dream big and live well! Remember God loves you and is ALWAYS with you. You just have to connect to his Spirit flowing within you.
xoxo Courtney