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Seven Great Products From CE Week/Get Geeked NY 2017

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CE Week was a lot smaller this year with only a handful of exhibitors. However, there were still some really amazing products that I consider must-haves for every tech enthusiast.

Here are my favs:


FIIL Headphones – Good sounds are a crucial part of my every day Life and every regular TGATP reader knows that I am headphone crazy. The FIIL headphones have a MAF button four modes switch: noise-canceling mode, talking mode, open mode, and wind mode. These amazing headphones also support automatically playing and pausing music when put on and put off the headphones, have a touch control panel, support song switch and volume control and can connect with 2 Bluetooth devices at the same time. I popped these beauties on the minute I received them and can’t stop wearing them!



Relief Band – I have suffer from severe motion sickness and get queasy on every mode of travel. This is a major problem as I have to pop Dramamine to go just an hour away! Since motion sickness drugs make you drowsy, this often mars my first day of travel. I dread turbulence and can’t even think about going on boats. Thus, I am crazy excited to try out this product. According to their site, the “Reliefband® is a clinically proven, FDA Cleared wearable technology for the treatment of nausea and vomiting associated with motion sickness, morning sickness and VR Gaming.” The testimonials look great, so I can’t wait to try this and review it further. If this works, it will be a lifesaver for me.



Muse Brain Sensing Headband – Meditation is a vital part of a healthy Life. Thus, anything that helps people do it better gets a big thumbs up from me! With 7 sensors and 5 hours of continuous battery life, the Muse measures your brain signals to ensure you are achieving real calm and focus during your meditative sessions. Using Bluetooth paired with your mobile phone, it tracks all meditative sessions, provides a calm percentage score, awards points, tracks milestones and offers challenges. The Muse Brain Sensing Headband is a must for everyone serious about maximizing their meditative practice. 



NixPlay Frames – How awesome are these lovely frames that allow you to display your favorite phone shots on a rotating basis?  These frames are the ultimate gifts for everyone on your birthday, housewarming or holiday lists. They also make wonderful bridesmaid and grooms gifts, as well as, great hostess gifts. I recommend that every gal meeting her beau’s family for the first time, take this along to gift his Mom. With multiple styles, there is something to fit every decor.




Bond Home By Olibra – This is an ingenious product, that is so awesome, I wondered why no one had already thought of it before now. The Bond Home device turns your ordinary appliances into smart ones. It’s a single device that marries remote-controlled appliances to your Wi-Fi network. Once set up, you can activate your appliances from anywhere in the world, or even use voice commands through your smart speaker. It is available for pre-launch sale on their site.




Lioness – The overexcited men were all annoyingly prolonging their stay at this booth. So I didn’t really get a chance to chat with this founder. But her premise is interesting.  Based on the theory that “everyone has a different orgasm type that’s unique to them, based on their own body, background, and circumstances.”, the Lioness is a vibrator with a corresponding app. It integrates three types of sensors (temperature, motion, and pressure) so you can see your body’s own unique pattern, including how you move the vibrator and even identify your orgasm. By tracking patterns in your arousal and orgasm over time, you can learn what works for your body.

I find it odd that this is designed for young women. Because I never needed a vibrator to tell me what turned me on in my youth. But, then, I lived in Europe where the men knew what to do. This is a very American thing. 




Hairmax – Like most Black gals, years of braids and extensions have thinned my edges, so I can’t wait to try this. HairMax makes laser products that strengthens and encourage regrowth for thinning hair. The laser bands and combs treat hair loss, stimulate new hair growth, reverse the thinning process, speed hair growth, activate hair follicles, repair damaged hair, rejuvenate aging hair, and strengthen and thicken hair. I am very excited to put HairMax products to work on my edges and hope I will be able to recommend this brand to other Black gals suffering the dreaded edge thinning syndrome. If it works, this company could make a Madame CJ Walker mint marketing to women of color!



That Girl At the Party

I am a proud blogger/influencer of 16 years and founder of the Henley Content Lab for content creators from underserved communities, who are 45 and over. I am also the founder of Chateau Canna and Cannappetit. I am also an aunt to 12 and human to Bodhi and Yoko Rey.

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