TGATP Small Screen

That Girl At The Party reviews TV and Internet shows.

Super Bowl 2016 Ad Round-Up

The Super Bowl has become about three things – the game, the snacks, and the advertisments. Here is my rundown and random thoughts on this year’s spate of ads.

EmpIre’s Jussie Smollett Hosts Eighth Season of Afropop

Jussie Smollett will host the eighth season of the public television show AfroPoP: The Ultimate Exchange. The star of the hit FOX TV show “Empire” will emcee the popular show about contemporary art, life and culture across the African Diaspora as it premieres on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 18, at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on WORLD Channel.

Sound Of Music Live Sucked

From the zombified acting on Carrie Underwood’s part to the high school production feel of the whole mess, The Sound Of Music Live was an unmitigated disaster! While hopefully it will never be repeated on TV, it’s an instant camp classic.